
NR 10 Basic Training - Safety in Facilities and Services with Electricity | E-Learning | Live | On-site | Online | 10036

The NR 10 Basic Course addresses the minimum requirements and conditions aiming at the implementation of control measures and preventive systems, so as to guarantee the safety and health of workers who, directly or indirectly, and interact in electrical installations and services with electricity.

The Course

The NR-10 Basic Course addresses the minimum requirements and conditions aiming at the implementation of control measures and preventive systems, so as to guarantee the safety and health of workers who, directly or indirectly, and interact in electrical installations and services with electricity.

NR-10 Basic Training.
NR-10 applies to the generation, transmission, distribution and consumption phases, including the stages of design, construction, assembly, operation, maintenance of the electrical installations and any work carried out in its vicinity, observing the official technical standards established by the organs competent authorities and, in their absence or omission, the applicable international standards.  

When is NR 10 SEP Training (Electric Power System and its Proximities) mandatory?
Two-Phase or Three-Phase Connection without Transformer: Only Basic NR 10 Training (Safety in Installations and Services with Electricity) is required.
Any connection that has a Transformer is considered (Electric Power System), therefore the NR 10 SEP Training (Electric Power System and Its Proximities) is mandatory.
Up to 13.5 kV (kilovolts) is considered medium voltage, above 13,501 Volts is considered high voltage.
Above 75 kVA (kilovoltampere) the PIE (Electrical Installation Record) is mandatory, as recommended by NR 10.

Conteúdo Programático Normativo

Introduction to safety with electricity.
Risks in installations and services with electricity:
A) electric shock, mechanisms and effects;
B) electric arcs; Burns and falls;
C) electromagnetic fields;
Risk Analysis Techniques;
NR 10 Basic Training:
Course NR 10 Basic
Measures Control of the Electrical Risk:
A) de-energization;
B) functional grounding (TN / TT / IT); of temporary protection;
C) equipotentiation;
D) automatic power disconnection;
E) leakage current devices;
F) extra low voltage;
G) barriers and enclosures;
H) blockages and impediments;
I) obstacles and bulkheads;
J) isolation of living parts;
K) double or reinforced insulation;
L) placement out of reach;
M) electrical separation.
NR 10 Basic Training addresses the following Brazilian Technical Standards: NBR-5410, NBR 14039 and others;
MTE regulations:
A) NRs;
B) NR-10 Training (Safety in Installations and Services with Electricity);
C) Qualification; Training and authorization;
Collective protection equipment (CPE);
Personal protective equipment (PPE);
Work routines – Procedures:
(A) de-energized installations;
B) release for services;
C) signaling;
D) inspections of areas, services, tools and equipment;
NR 10 Basic Training:
Documentation of electrical installations;
Additional risks:
A) the height;
B) confined environments;
C) classified areas;
D) humidity;
E) atmospheric conditions.
Protection and fire fighting:
A) Basics;
B) preventive measures;
C) extinction methods;
D) practice;
NR 10 Basic Training:
Accidents of electrical origin:
A) direct and indirect causes;
B) discussion of cases;
First aid:
A) notions of injury;
B) prioritization of care;
C) application of artificial respiration;
D) cardiac massage;
E) techniques for removal and transportation of injured people;
F) practices.



Consideramos importante ter a flexibilidade para modificar o Conteúdo Programático Normativo Geral de qualquer Curso, Treinamento, Relatório Técnico, Projetos e demais serviços, se considerado necessário. Essas alterações podem incluir: Atualizações, Adições ou Exclusões.
Nossa Equipe Pedagógica e Multidisciplinar tem o direito de fazer essas modificações. Este direito se estende a:
- Mudança dos itens do escopo normativo;
- Inserção de novas Normas, Leis, Decretos ou parâmetros técnicos;
- Exclusão de Normas, Leis, Decretos ou parâmetros técnicos existentes.

Embora a atualização do Conteúdo Programático Normativo seja da nossa responsabilidade, esperamos que o contratante (seja este um indivíduo ou organização), cumpra todas as legislações pertinentes relacionadas. Portanto, os contratantes devem realizar as devidas aplicações e atendimentos conforme as leis e decretos aplicáveis.

NOTA: As Normas e Regulamentos, suas atualizações e substituições poderão sofrer alterações até a presente data.


Nosso Diferencial

Nosso Diferencial

O nosso projeto pedagógico segue as diretrizes impostas pela Norma Regulamentadora nº1.

Nossos Cursos Incluem: Projeto Pedagógico, Plataforma Monitorada com Controle de Acessos e 04 Responsáveis Técnicos PLH.

Para conhecer o diferencial do nosso site, Clique aqui!

NR 10 Basic Training - Safety in Facilities and Services with Electricity | E-Learning | Live | On-site | Online | 10036

Por Aluno/Grupo


Validade Biennial

