
Curso Resgatista Coordenador Inglês | 30171255

The Coordinator Rescuer Course is aimed at training professionals who work in emergency and rescue situations, with the aim of coordinating teams and ensuring the safety and well-being of victims, meeting the minimum requirements of the regulatory standard.


Technical name: Training Course Basic Notions Rescuer Level Coordinator in Height and Confined Space Taught in English - Intermediate Level NBR 16710-1

What is the English Coordinator Rescuer Course like?
The Coordinator Rescuer Course is aimed at training professionals who work in emergency and rescue situations, with the aim of coordinating teams and ensuring the safety and well-being of victims, meeting the minimum requirements of the regulatory standard.

What is the definition of Technical Rescue, according to NBR 16170?
Operational intervention carried out by its own rescue team, external or composed of the workers themselves, to rescue one or more people who are on duty in the work environment, victims of accidents due to work at heights and/or confining space, trapped and/or exposed to a situation of imminent risk to their physical or emotional integrity, requiring the use of equipment and movement rescue techniques, which may include, but not necessarily, the application of first aid.

Critérios para Emissão de Certificados: Saiba Mais!

ATENÇÃO:O Treinamento é Noções Básicas de Aperfeiçoamento Livre. *Não é substituto de formação acadêmica ou ensino técnico.

Normative Program Content

Official regulatory standards and applicable Brazilian Standards;
Safety principles of a rescue operation;
Identification of the risks associated with a rescue operation;
Risk x benefit assessment in a rescue operation;
Preparation of pre-plans for rescue at height and/or in confined space;
Standardized operating protocols;
Organization of rescue teams, assigning roles and responsibilities to the components;
General notions about incident command system;
General knowledge about the use of a communications plan for rescue operations, as well as the use of different means of communication and use of terminology used as standard language for emergencies;
Certification of rescue equipment and systems;
Selection and correct use of the following personal rescue equipment:
Parachute belt, Slings or lanyards and connectors;
Helmet, Gloves and Descender;
Elevators, Lock falls anda Stirrup;
Installation and operation of pre-engineered rescue or evacuation systems;
Selection and correct use of the following collective rescue equipment;
Rope, anchor slings, ring, ribbons or beads;
Connectors, Pulleys and Blockers;
Tripod, Descenders anda Elevators;
Assembly of the main stringing nodes used in rescues (blocking, finishing, splicing, anchoring and securing);
Simple anchor assembly. semi-equalized, equalized, fractioning and deviations with string knots;
Effect of angles formed by anchors on load distribution;
Assembly and operation of single, composite and combined (block) mechanical advantage systems;
Performance limits of rope progression equipment used in victim rescues;
Pre-use and periodic inspections of individual and collective rescue equipment used:
Identification of operational readiness or damage, defects and wear conditions for
refusal of equipment that has been disapproved as instructed by the manufacturers;
Methods of maintenance, cleaning, packaging and transport of rescue equipment;
Conceptualization of the shock force generated by retaining a fall from a height;
Conceptualization of fall factor;
How inert suspension trauma develops and its main therapeutic measures;
Use of available means of communication, as well as the use of terminology used as standard language for emergencies;
Use and installation of mobile type textile or metallic anchors. with or without mechanical or chemical fasteners;
Conceptualization of vertical rope progression techniques for rescues;
Execution of rope progression techniques in rescues for ascent, descent, passage of fractionations, deviations and knots;
Execution of descent techniques on tensioned ropes;
Execution of progression techniques on horizontal and inclined zip lines;
Use of means of fortune applied to rope rescue techniques;
Execution of rescue techniques with rope progression for descent with victims, with passage of fractionations, deviations and knots;
Execution of rescue techniques with rope progression to move the victim down or up;
Execution of rescue techniques with rope progression to unlock victims suspended in descenders, lifts or personal fall protection systems;
Know the different types of vertical transport stretchers, as well as their compatibility with the type of operation or injury of the victim;
Techniques for immobilizing victims on stretchers, with or without the use of spinal or limb immobilizers;
Techniques for vertical movement of victims at height or in confined spaces using pre-engineered rescue and evacuation systems or simple mechanical advantage systems;
Assembly and operation of vertical and horizontal movement systems for stretchers on tensioned ropes (zipline) horizontally, diagonally and crossed;
Basic stretcher handling techniques (vertical, horizontal and terrestrial);
Technical factors that affect the efficiency of a rope and/or confined space rescue (eg performance, speed, range, duration, weather conditions, confined space environment, rescuer, etc.);
Techniques for using respiratory protective equipment applied to rescue.
Source: NBR 16710.

Rules and Regulations

NBR 14276 – Brigada de incêndio – Requisitos – (Fire Brigade – Requirements);
NBR 14277 – Instalações e equipamentos para treinamento de combate a incêndio – Requisitos – (Installations and equipment for firefighting training – Requirements);
NBR 16746 – Segurança de máquinas – Manual de Instruções – Princípios gerais de elaboração – (Machine safety – Instruction Manual – General principles of elaboration);
NBR 16489 – Sistemas e equipamentos de proteção individual para trabalhos em altura – Recomendações e orientações para seleção, uso e manutenção – (Personal protective equipment and systems for working at heights – Recommendations and guidelines for selection, use and maintenance);
NBR 16710-1 – Resgate técnico industrial em altura e/ou espaço confinado – Parte 1: Requisitos para a qualificação profissional – (Industrial technical rescue at height and/or confined space – Part 1: Requirements for professional qualification);
NBR 16710-2 – Resgate Técnico Industrial em Altura e/ou em Espaço Confinado – Parte 2 Requisitos para provedores de Treinamento e Instrutores para qualificação Profissional – (Industrial Technical Rescue at Height and/or Confined Space – Part 2 Requirements for Training Providers and Instructors for Professional Qualification);
Regulatory standard NR 01 – Disposições Gerais e Gerenciamento de Riscos Ocupacionais – (General Provisions and Occupational Risk Management);
Regulatory standard NR 10 – Segurança em Instalações e Serviços em Eletricidade – (Safety in Electricity Facilities and Services);
Regulatory standard NR 33 – Segurança e Saúde nos Trabalhos em Espaços Confinados – (Safety and Health in Work in Confined Spaces);
Regulatory standard NR 35 – Trabalho em Altura – (Work at Heights);


Consideramos importante ter flexibilidade para modificar o Conteúdo Programático Normativo Geral de qualquer Curso, Treinamento, Relatório Técnico, Projetos e outros serviços, caso julgue necessário. Essas alterações podem incluir: Atualizações, Adições ou Exclusões.
A nossa Equipa Pedagógica e Multidisciplinar tem o direito de fazer estas alterações. Este direito se estende a:
- alteração de itens do escopo normativo;
- Inserção de novas Normas, Leis, Decretos ou parâmetros técnicos;
- Exclusão de Normas, Leis, Decretos ou parâmetros técnicos existentes.
Embora seja nossa responsabilidade atualizar o Conteúdo Regulatório do Programa, esperamos que o contratado (indivíduo ou organização) adquira toda a legislação relacionada relevante. Portanto, as contratadas devem realizar as aplicações e serviços necessários de acordo com as leis e decretos pertinentes.
NOTA: De acordo com as Normas e Regulamentos, suas modificações e substituições poderão sofrer alterações até a presente data.

Our Differential

Our Differential

Our pedagogical project follows the guidelines imposed by Regulatory Standard nº1.
Our Courses Include: Pedagogical Project, Monitored Platform with Access Control and 04 PLH Technical Managers.

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Curso Resgatista Coordenador Inglês | 30171255

Por Aluno/Grupo


Validade Biennial

32 Hours
